Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Who's Who on the Baghdad Green Zone "Truth" Tour

After some very hard work, I have uncovered the names of the radio warrior "delegates" who will be flying to Baghdad, Iraq's Green Zone sometime next week to "get the news straight from our troops".

They are:

Melanie Morgan
Howard Kooligian
Mark Williams
"Buzz" Patterson
Martha Zoller
Michael Graham
Brad Maaske

Now, I am sure you are all disappointed, as I am, that Rush Limbaugh is not currently scheduled to be a part of the "tour". And I imagine you may be feeling letdown that Michael "Savage" Weiner won't apparently be making the trip either. And I'll admit I'm disappointed that Glenn Beck isn't joining them as well. I don't know. Seems to me, that if you can sell books, as Limbaugh, Savage, and Beck have, surely you could pony up the bills for the trip over there.

So overall, a pretty depressing list of squawkers. Perhaps others will be added later. You never know. Given the security and anonymity needs of the operation over there, maybe the powers that be don't want to risk reprisals if the names of more prominent folks are identified ahead of time.

It is interesting, however, that the delegates recognize the scope of their mission. If you'll notice, their comments center on talking to the "troops". I didn't get the sense from the MAF webpage or the Fox "news" article, that these radio "journalists" will be doing any talking to actual Iraqis, not to mention, doing any traveling in the Iraqi countryside.

Who knows. Maybe they will give us some fine reports about how the building and securing of the Apartheid-like Green Zone wall is going.

I'm looking forward to it.

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