Well, maybe not this guy.
Or these people.
At least 50 killed in attack on Baghdad mosque; U.S. Envoy warns of sectarianism
Update: Death toll up to 74.
And while we're on the subject of Iraq, here's what I wanna know. What I wanna know is, if war supporters insist that the networks, newspapers and cable stations need to report "positive" news out of Iraq, why don't they call for deconstructing the Green Zone? That would be a sign of progress, right?
Next time you hear a war supporter or war booster complaining on cable TV about the coverage of the war ask them when we can expect the Green Zone to be torn down.
Update II: This latest bombing leaves the freepers at Slave Republic with mixed emotions. Let's read a few: (note: estimated translations in brackets)
I don't mind in the least there [their] blowing theirselves [themselves] up but really hate it that they take innoncents [innocents] along with themselves...
This to me is like the eastern front in WW2. The Nazis and the Communists were killing each other off. Muslims killing muslims. Let them fight...
Someone PLEASE turn the USMC loose on the insurgents!...
Who loves to talk smack about using suicide terrorism as a primary weapon of war? Iran's leadership, that's who. One more reason they have to go...
I don't get it. Islam is the religion of piece [peace] and love. They, in their way of thinking is that the faith of Mohamed is perfect. So why is life so cheap to them?...
If the Sunni or any other "trouble maker" REALLY wanted to ignite an all out "Civil War" in Iraq, wouldn't they have murdered the #1 leader of the Shi'ite militants - fat Sadr? So long as fat Sadr lives, the killing is simply the area lunatics acting out...
Ah, yes, this from the group that has a special "pro-life" section on its website.