Saturday, February 09, 2008

Obama's best night

Lopsided wins in Nebraska, Washington State, and to a lesser degree, in Louisiana gave Obama the hat-trick tonight. And his speech--bearing the confidence and assertiveness of a convention nomination acceptance speech--was I think his best of the season, being relatively policy-specific, gracious of his opponents to a degree, while also being confrontational and challenging of them, all but throwing down the gauntlet to McCain regarding the war, foreign policy, and taxes. But his most welcome (and for the Democrats throughout this campaign the most weirdly neglected) remarks tonight were his rhetorical, we-need-to-get-rid-of "Scooter Libby justice, Brownie incompetence, and Karl Rove politics" punches. Where has this rhetoric been all primary season? It's long past time Democrats made the country remember the failures of Katrina, the calculated partisanship of Karl Rove, and the name of Scooter Libby. Even if the media villagers would prefer that we did not.

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