Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Kennedys' Endorsements

High profile endorsements are a little like vice-presidential picks. They attract attention, are much debated, and seem important at the moment, but after everything's over, there doesn't seem to be much evidence that either affected the election's results.

And that may end up being the case here, too, with the Kennedy family endorsements of Obama this week, beginning with Caroline's NYT op-ed on Sunday and wrapping up with Uncle Ted's appearance at American University on Monday.

But the one-two punch of Caroline's, and then the Senator's, endorsements, on the heels of Obama's landslide win in South Carolina, combined to create a powerful, moving image, simultaneously calling to mind the heroic liberalism of decades ago with that era's hopefulness for the future, together energetically reinforcing the mood of Obama's campaign and resurrecting it's momentum from its post-NH fall.

I don't know if the endorsements will change many minds, but if my own reaction is any indication of how others might respond, it has helped cement my support for Obama.

1 comment:

shoffy22 said...

indeed, I think this combo of the south carolina win and the endorsements from the kennedies will have a big impact - most especially in giving extra boost to those who were already supporting obama but maybe had some doubts - now seem more certain and more excited and proud of their candidate then ever before. for example, my mom has been supporting obama for about a month now but with occasional doubts, but since this weekend i think she's fully decided and ready to stick with him through it all.