Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Uh, We Didn't Mean That. We Were Just Kidding.

I found this gem yesterday on David Neiwert's page from a self described "real conservative":

Your blog is entertaining, but your running, one sided debate is mostly with straw men of the kosher conservative variety. The real right doesn't take Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh seriously...

Now, this line about "real" conservatives not taking the hysterical, vitriolic, fascist screechings of Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage seriously is not a new line of thought or response. I've heard this defense statement before. But in the same breath we're typically reminded about the imposing force represented by Rush's 15 million number radio audience, Ann Coulter's record book sale figures, and on and on. And I might point out that Ann herself is a frequent presence on cable television, including Chris Matthew's. Somebody is taking them seriously.

As is the case with their attempts to claim liberal media bias while trumpeting the success of Fox "News" in the ratings wars, conservatives are trying to have it both ways, to have their cake and eat it, too (and it's working). They want the benefits of Rush and Ann's hatred and propaganda but want to disassociate themselves from it when they fear it may backfire on them.


The Rogue Progressive said...

The thought I keep having is why is there no progressive analog to the Coulter/Savage/Rush/USANext/Shift Boat Veterans, etc.? Why don't the Dems play this game? Have some fringe lunatic left winger (not the LaRouchies) make the outrageous claims so that the left wing answer to O'Reilly (say Ed Schultz) can look reasonable and moderate by saying "sir, you've gone beyond the pale. Focus on the Family is not for female mutilation. But it's clear that they are virulently misogynistic and are pro-female oppression." Is it because the Dems feel it wouldn't be nice? Too much propoganda among the reality-based community? I fear that being nice will continue to only bring ideological wedgies to the Dems and evilness in the land.

mizerock said...

The Left doesn't own any media outlets of note. You can't fill the airwaves with entertaining propaganda without your own broadcasting empire! Oh, and a sympathetic FCC helps a lot too.

mizerock said...
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